Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A Memorial Day Birthday Party!

Since Drew's birthday is May 27, Andrea and Drew had a wonderful birthday party and Memorial Day cookout. We all had a great time! Kathy was up from Baltimore and Bernice and Dorothy came up from the Cape. And since Kelsey Road is pet-friendly, Alex and Brandy (in the back of the yard) were able to join Aeris for the celebration, too!

The Warren's property looked wonderful. Lots of gardening and yard work goes on up there. You can tell as soon as you pull into their driveway.
Liv was there to greet us. She gave Nonno a tour and told him stories along the way about all of the work she and Mommy do in their gardens together.

After the tour, it was time for a little tee-ball in the back yard.

Then Liv gave Alex a ride in her little red wagon.

"You have to sit, Alex" she told him.

But he wouldn't listen. "Here, I'll show you." she said.

I decided to try my hand at a perential garden this summer. Andrea dug up some Lilly of the Valley from her garden to help me get started. Liv helped Nonno put them in the car.

A little gymnastics on the return trip to the back yard - like mother, like daughter!

Back at the grille, the birthday boy was cooking up a storm! Mmmmm, smells great! Check out those mushrooms on the top rack for the vegetarians in the crowd. Everything was delicious - thanks Drew!

Then it was time for dessert. Andrea made an absolutely beautiful cake for Drew's birthday. It was a waterfall and a koi pond. Unfortunately my photo doesn't do it justice. Take a look at the gallery on the Old Stove Bake Shoppe site where there is a better picture.  http://www.oldstovebakeshoppe.com/ Give them a try - they have some wonderful and creative offerings!

Liv was front-and-center so she could help her Daddy blow out the candles!
Happy Birthday, Drew. We hope you had a good day. Thanks to the Warren's for a great Memorial Day cookout!


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