Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Last Leg

On Monday, we left Ft. Lauderdale and continued our south bound trip. This was the last leg on our ground journey from Lynnfield to Key West. On Monday, Neal took Frank for his dialysis treatment. When he came back, Bernice made a wonderful breakfast and we spent a nice morning together. After breakfast, Neal and I pushed off to KW. It's typically a very slow drive along Rt.1 south but it wasn't too bad. Being a Monday, by the time we  made it to Rt. 1 there wasn't too much traffic. It was a beautiful, sunny, perfect day for a drive down the Florida Keys. The views were fabulous.

And I had the most handsome driver! Who wouldn't have loved the ride down!

We got to KW around 3:00 pm on Monday. The cabinet makers were scheduled to come on Tuesday at 8:00 am to begin the kitchen demolition so we had to empty out the drawers and cabinets. But, we also wanted to recognize my wrapping up my work life. So, when we arrived in KW, we walked over to Faustos's and Neal bought a couple of steaks and we ate out back.

Mmmm, my handsome driver turned into a handsome chef!

When we went to Camden last summer, we visited "Cellardoor Vineyard". This vineyard is  owned by Bittina Doulton, a 40-something ex-Fidelity Investments Fund Manager turned vineyard owner. It's a really beautiful vineyard and I highly recommend it if you make it up to the Camden area. While we were there, we bought a few bottles of a red wine that she blended in honor of Ned Johnson, Fidelity's Chairman. This seemed like the perfect occasion to open a bottle and toast Fidelity, who took good care of us over the years.

We sat out back and had a great dinner in KW.
Bon Appetite!!


At April 8, 2010 at 9:21 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

love the rain chime in that one picture =) Glad the stop at Mugherini South was fun, I can't believe how big my cousins are.


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