Monday, May 17, 2010

Mothers' Day

I hope all the mothers enjoyed their special day! Mothers, grandmothers, great-grandmothers, mothers-in-law, new mothers, adoptive mothers, step-mothers, fathers who are mothers, mothers who are fathers - all Mothers! Although we were in KW, I had a nice Mothers Day. On Saturday, a beautiful bouquest of fresh flowers arrived at our home. Many thanks to Andrea, Drew and Liv!! They were absolutely beautiful. When they first arrived, I gave them fresh water and plant food and they started to open.

Some of the blossoms were white

And some were pink.

Together they made a beautiful bouquet with a wonderful scent that filled the room!

As the week progressed, more and more of them them opened and the flowers themselves got fuller and fuller. At their peak, they made a huge, striking bouquet that could be seen from either the front or back door. While this picture doesn't do a good job of showing the proportion, at this point each flower was about 7" in diameter which is the size of my hand fully extended from the tip of my thumb to the tip of my baby-finger. They really filled the first floor of the condo. Thank you again - I loved them!

On Mothers Day morning we went to 9:00 o'clock mass. Our church in Key West is St. Mary Star of the Sea. It's on Truman Avenue and is about a 15 minute walk. It is a very active, vibrant parish with a catholic elementary school and large community presence.
After mass, we walked over to Croissant de France for coffee. I also had a wonderful fresh chocolat croissant. Sorry but I didn't have my camera so I couldn't take a picture. But believe me when I tell you it was delicious and worth every Weight Watchers point! After breakfast, we walked back home and my wonderful husband did a little vacumming!
I think there is a little bit of 'mothering' in each of us and I hope you all enjoyed the day as much as I did!


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