Thursday, May 20, 2010

Harvesting the Crops

In KW, land is at a  premium. There isn't much space for the wide, sweeping colorful gardens that people have up north. This is even more true in Truman Annex where every inch of space is treasured. We have very little room for a garden. And the limited space we have out back does not get much sun. All the sun is in the front of our place. With the new kitchen, we really wanted to try to grow fresh herbs. If you've ever planted an herb garden, you probably know it requires 6 - 8 hours of sun a day. So, if we were going to have one, we had to be creative. I looked online and found a window-box style planter on a stand that I thought might fit on one of the porches in the front (without getting us in trouble with the condo-police). So, I decided to give it a shot and ordered one. When it arrived, I got all my gardening equipment together on the back deck.

Then I went to the nursery and bought sage, basil, rosemary and thyme plants. I put the planter in the corner of the lower front porch. After a couple of weeks of care and feeding, the herbs actually grew!

Last Friday, Neal decided to use the new kitchen and the fresh herbs to make a "Friday Night Dinner". He went out to the "herb garden" and cut a few sprigs of rosemary...

....some sage

...and some basil leaves.

If you've had an herb garden, you already know what a difference fresh herbs make. As I said earlier, this was my first time growing herbs and I was amazed at the powerful scents. What a differance! I could smell them as Neal clipped leaves and sprigs from each of the plants.

Once he had all the herbs he needed, he headed back into the kitchen.

Using the fresh herbs, he cooked up a storm. And it was delicious!!


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