Where Does the Time Go?
Where did January go? This post is of the last weekend in January. We can't believe it's February already - wow!! This last weekend was a cold one. On Saturday morning, Neal went to Newton to help Matt and Amy with the dishwasher. They were having some work done on the kitchen floor and wanted to pull the dishwasher out and do some prep-work before their contractor began his work. Neal headed out to Newton around 11:30. I had work to do at home so I didn't get to go.
Although it was very, very cold on this particular Saturday, it was a bright, sunny, dry day. The streets were clear and no snow was in the forecast. So Neal backed the Porsche out of the garage and drove it over to Newton.
He spent a few hours with Matt and Amy. He and Matt worked in the kitchen while Amy used the sanding machine to remove the paint from the doors so that she could refinish them. They all worked really hard that day. When Neal came back home, he had a box of beautiful fresh pastries from Mike's Pastry that Amy and Matt gave him!
Mmmm, mmmm good. They were delicious treats. Thanks Matt and Amy!
It seems that house repairs are never all done. While I was cleaning, I noticed a small leak under our kitchen sink. So, when Neal got back from Newton he had to do some work under the sink. He fixed it and now there's no more leak!
Sunday is usually pizza night at our house. Last Sunday, Theresa and Ernie joined us for supper. Neal made the dough around 5:00 pm and let it rise for an hour. Then we headed to the market to pick out fresh ingredients for the pizza.
It was really great to see Theresa and Ernie and get to visit with them. We hadn't really had a chance to get together with them for a while - since before the holidays. We all enjoyed some homemade pizza together.
They brought some wonderful homemade desserts. They were amazing and Neal and I enjoyed them for the whole week! Theresa made us a 'Luscious Lemon Cake" which was a homemade crust with layers of lemon filing and whipped cream. The cake was topped with a sprinkling of fresh ground walnuts. It was a light, refreshing dessert.
She also made us a big platter of her wonderful sesame seed cookies. These are my favorite cookies -delicious!
Neal and I had a fun weekend. Neal enjoyed spending Saturday with Matt and Amy. And, it was great to see Ernie and Theresa on Sunday. Thanks so much for the great desserts and for coming by for a pizza dinner with us. It was great to see you!
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