Sunday, February 7, 2010

Winter Weekend at Rabbit Hill Inn

One of Neal and my favorite places to go is Rabbit Hill Inn. We try to go twice each year - once in the summer and once in the winter. Rabbit Hill is an absolutely wonderful Inn located in Lower Waterford, Vermont. It is about 150 miles north of Boston and is a fairly easy drive up Rt. 93. Once you get off 93, it is a short ride to the Inn. As you round the last bend in the road, you can see Rabbit Hill in the distance through the trees!  The Innkeepers, Brian and Lesley, live in the white house on the top of the hill and the steepled church is directly across the street from the Inn.

The Inn has 2 old buildings - the Tavern, a free standing building on the far left, and the Main House in the center which includes an attached carriage house on the right.

You can see the beautiful old white church across the street as Neal walks up the path to the Inn.

The sign-post was topped with freshly fallen snow.

It's always so nice when we first walk through the door at Rabbit Hill Inn. Brian, Lesley and Donn are always there to greet us and welcome us back.

At this point, I have to tell you that I do not have a lot of pictures of the inside of the Inn. I did not feel comfortable taking pictures around the common areas. I thought it would have been intrusive and annoying to the other guests. There are no phones, TV's or computers at Rabbit Hill Inn. I'm certain that snapping pictures would not have been appreciated. So instead, we've included the link to the RHI website. We highly recommend Rabbit Hill as a destination for your next get-away. You will not be disappointed!

Rabbit Hill Inn has many wonderful rooms. They are all beautifully decorated and almost all of them have fireplaces. We always try to reserve in The Music Room which is located on the 2nd floor of the Main House. It is a large room with many windows. It has an 1857 pump organ which came from the white steepled church across the street.

It also has an antique victrola - a "talking machine" is how the seal inside the heavy wooden cover refers to it.

There are many, many fireplaces peppered throughout the Inn. All of the rooms in the common areas have fireplaces. When we are there in the winter, they are all burning. Below is the fireplace in our room.

There are lots of windows in the Music Room. It is bright and sunny. These 4 windows face the front and overlook the river and the White Mountains.

This is the view looking out of the 4 front facing windows.

From outside the Inn, the Music Room sits sort of in the middle of the Main House structure. The 4 windows and door on the first floor are in the common area sitting room. The 4 windows above them are in the Music Room.

We arrived at Rabbit Hill Inn for our winter weekend on Friday. The Inn has a wonderfully romantic dining room and chef Matthew Secich created an amazing dinner for us. On Saturday morning, after a fantastic RHI breakfast, we decided to take a car ride. Our first stop was in Littleton, NH, a town with a true local downtown.

After wandering around Littleton, headed over toward Mt. Washington. Once we got to Bretton Woods, we drove to the base of Mt. Washington, which is where the Mt. Washington Cog Railway departs.  As we drove down the road, we noticed that sections of the river were frozen over. They were really beautiful on this very clear but cold day.

The contrast of the snow-capped mountain tops against the deep-blue sky was striking.

We could clearly see God's House (the weather station) at the top of Mt. Washington.

God's House up close in contrast to the clear cold blue of God's Air.

The Cog Railway was closed for the winter but we got out of the car and walked around. The antique trains and engines were all covered in snow and ice.

The visitor center was closed for the winter. And it looks like it's going to be a while before summer returns to Mt. Washington.

This picture was taken as we drove away from the base of the mountain, with our backs to Mt.Washington. We could clearly see the trails at Bretton Woods all the way from the base of Mt. Washington.

After a really wonderful weekend, we left Rabbit Hill Inn on Sunday morning, but not before an amazing candlelit breakfast. On our way home, we stopped by Gunstock Mountain to check out the trails.

I am a green trail skier so Neal wanted me to see what the trails looked like. They look like nice, wide trails so I think I can ski here.

The conditions on this day looked great and there were lots of people skiing.

They have tubing at Gunstock, too.

They were making ice sculptures while we were there.

It was a great weekend. We love Rabbit Hill Inn and always hate to see that weekend come to an end. But I have something to keep me a little 'Rabbit Hill Warm" when we get back home!

We are looking forward to our summer weekend at Rabbit Hill Inn!


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