Sunday, January 10, 2010

Christmas Day 2009 - Merry Christmas!!

We had a really nice Christmas Day. We spent the day in Beverly with my mother and the Heffernan's. Before we headed up to Beverly, Neal opened a present - it was a "outfit" - hat, scarf, jacket and leather gloves. He looks pretty handsome, don't you think!

After we had our Christmas morning lattes, we headed down to Beverly. Barbie had gone up earlier in the morning to help Mom get everything set up.

Because it was Christmas Day, Santa had the day off. So, he sat in the big comfy chair and relaxed, clicker in hand! He deserved it. You did a great job this holiday Santa. Thank you very much.

Pretty soon the Heffernan gang arrived. Sarah and "Baby McPartland" came to see Gram on Christmas.

Jimmy and Ken were there, too!

And Jay and Jody, of course! Great, contagious, happy smiles.

Barbie and Mulligan love Christmas!!

Neal and I love Christmas Day, too.

The Drs. McPartland and Baby-To-Be were there! (But where were the 3 P's?)

Looks like Chris, Sarah and Mom are ready to open some presents!

And so wasn't everyone else!

Mom opened a few gifts.

We all had a really nice Christmas Day on Bosworth Street. Thanks for Mom and Barbie for pulling it all together. As a Christmas gift, Mom sponsored a  "Heffernan Family Lunch" together. Thanks, Mom. Maybe we'll invite you, too! (I'll be emailing you all very shortly for suggested locations and available dates......)

Merry Christmas to all from the Heffernan's. I am really sorry Tommy wasn't able to stay until the bitter end of the day for this photo. We missed you.

I hope everyone enjoyed the holiday season and had the opportunity to do some fun things. Best wishes to everyone from Neal and me for a happy, healthy and safe 2010. Can  you believe it's been 10 years since Y2K? Where were you at the turn of the century?


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