Sunday, January 3, 2010

Christmas Eve 2009

We headed down to KW on Saturday, December 26. I had great intentions for the blog... post our Christmas Eve pictures on Sunday when we got up and then post Christmas Day pictures on Monday. My 2010 New Years resolution is to share our adventures more timely. Obviously this didn't happen this time. But let's get onto Christmas Eve!  Santa arrived early to cut the fudge he'd made for us to enjoy.

Mrs. Claus came too though she didn't have her Mrs. Santa suit on.

Mr. Grinch and Max were all ready for Christmas Eve.

The dining room was set up for a buffet dinner. Yes, it's true - we had a buffet! The dining room table had the beautiful center piece that Amy and Matt had brought us when we celebrated Christmas with them earlier in the week. Thanks Amy & Matt - it was a beautiful holiday decoration. (And we also loved the great chocolate - you all know what I'm talking about - those chocolate covered prezels and graham crackers and oreo cookies!! Yum, yum they were delicious.)

Liv's dishes were all set, too - sort of like the plates we all set out each Christmas Eve for Santa.

The bar was all set up.

The presents were all wrapped and placed carefully under the tree

The holiday Carolers were singing away....

My sister Debbie dropped by to see us around 2:00 pm. The Warren's arrived around 3:00 ...... and so the presents began. Debbie brought a wonderful, new book for Liv that she really loved.

Then is was officially present time. What could this long, round package be?

A road rug for cars and trucks and trains to ride along. Kiki and Nonna helped roll it out.

What could be in this package? A car perhaps....?

Liv got lots of new cars and Mom and Dad demonstrated how to follow the road.

Liv caught right on and could do it herself in no time!

Andrea, Drew and Liv gave me a wonderful set of Rain Chimes. They will be perfect to hang from one of our palm trees in KW! Thanks again - they are wonderful!

Drew got a Dremel, a real manly-man tool. (Ok - how many of you knew what a Dremel was before this??)

Liv got tools, too, so now she can work right along side Dad and help him all the time.

A gift certificate  - Mmmm I think she had something in mind right away.

Neal and I were so glad that Kathy and Kari joined us for Christmas Eve! Thanks so much for coming and everything you did!

Kathy gave Neal and me a wonderful calender of Italy and some nice wines!

It was a great Christmas Eve. I think Andrea and Drew enjoyed watching Liv play with her new toys.

Liv and her Mom had a nice time, too.

After a long day and evening, Santa sat back and relaxed a bit.

But of course no event is really complete without a little singing and dancing.

Merry Christmas to All!

I hope you all enjoyed Christmas Eve whatever you did!


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