Thursday, November 5, 2009

Key West Sure Knows How to Throw a Party

On Friday, we took a walk down Duval. They had closed all the streets and tried to limit obstructions on the sidewalk where people would want to sit to watch the parade on Saturday. For example, you weren't supppose to use the bike racks along Duval Street. But, in typical KW fashion, not everyone complied....

Even though it was early in the day, they were getting ready for lots of people and one big party!

In KW, you can pay by credit card.

As you know, KW is home to a very artsy, creative group of people. And during Fantasy Fest their creative juices really flow and you see some of the most amazing costumes. These people were dressed up great - and to think it was only Friday and the real parade isn't until Saturday!

This woman was a KW jelly fish.

This guy had great face paint and mask!

And this guy was a really scary looking demon!!

This couple had "gone green". I really liked their costurmes.

This guy was more than willing to stop and pose for a quick picture!

This couple, too. He walked all the way up and down Duval Street on stilts!

The Hard Rock Cafe was all decked out and doing a great business. It was still packed at 10:00 pm (and probably at 11:00 pm and 12:00 midnight and 1:00 am.....).

The Bull was a very popular spot, too. The deck of the Whistle Bar on the second floor was the perfect spot to people-watch and see what was happening down on Duval Street.

Bodypainting was overwhelmingly the most popular 'costume' and it was everywhere. But this is a family blog after all.

You could buy a beer just about anywhere along Duval. The booths were all fundraisers for various KW civic organizations and school activities (VFW, KW police department, KW high school swim team, football team, etc). Seemed a little odd to us but as you can imagine this is the biggest fund raising opportunity of the year in KW and the sports teams and other organizations can use the money. As I recall, the beer at most of the booths was being sold by the parents. They were all dressed in costumes and having a lot of fun!

How many more people do you suppose they can squeeze onto Duval Street?

Being a very open city, KW residents are pretty tolerant of others' differences and opinions. But these guys definitely pushed the envelope.

Another 'cute' couple, huh? Her headpiece was really amazing.

Another great costume.

We walked up and then back down Duval and sometimes we stopped and just let the 'parade' pass us by. It was a lot of fun but you can only take it for so long. So, after a couple of hours we headed back home. We took the quiet route along the waterfront  Just a block off Duval it was peaceful and quiet.

We walked up to Sunset Pier at the top of Duval.

And then we walked through Mallory Square and past the shops at the Westin where the cruise ships all dock. What a difference one block can make!

And just when you thought you'd seen it all, you find out this beautiful cruise ship that spent 3 days (cruise ships usually spend 1 day)  in port at KW was a nudiest cruise that brought 3,000 passengers to KW for Fantasy Fest.

Just goes to show things aren't always what they appear to be!! Tomorrow we'll post the pictures from Saturday's official Fantasy Fest parade.


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