Life After Fantasy Fest
After being out late watching the Fantasy Fest parade and having our supper late, we slept a little later than we normally do on Sundays. When we got up, Neal used his coffee grinder and coffee machine to make us lattes. Do I have a wonderful life or what!
We sat out on the back deck and enjoyed our lattes in the warm morning KW sunshine. Here I am trying to upload some pictures but it just took too long.
We ride our bikes a lot in KW. As a matter of fact, a lot of times we don't bother to get a car. Our Trek bikes are great - we love 'em! Even though space is at a premium in KW, Neal found a little spot for us to keep them out back by the grill.
We decided since we'll be down in KW the day after Christmas, we'd like to have a Christmas tree so we can continue to enjoy the holiday season. So, we headed out to find a Christmas tree and some decorations. Here Santa has loaded the tree into his Trek-sleigh. Then we peddled home with it. We laughed about this one for the rest of the trip!
Here Santa is brushing all the snow and ice off the tree before he could put it into the stand.
We also bought some colorful Christmas ornaments and decorated the tree.
We found another use for all those beads we got at Fantasy Fest the night before - they make great Christmas tree decorations!
On Sunday night, we were going to cook out back on our grille but when we checked the propane tank, it was empty. So, we needed to get the tank filled. Like I said, we ride our bikes everywhere in KW. They serve us very well!
After dinner, we cleaned up the dishes and spent about an hour studing French out on the back deck. We had to read by candlelight because we had turned the clocks ahead the night before and it got dark early.The next day, we took our bikes and went to get some Key Lime goodies. Kermit was out in front of his Key Lime Shop and was happy to pose for a picture!
It was a great trip to KW. As you can see, Fantasy Fest was wild and crazy. But everyone has fun and people are really well behaved and just enjoy the party and parade! I hope you all had a good Halloween!
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