Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Nice Fall Weather!

Despite the heavy rain yesterday, overall the weather this Fall has been very nice. The colors this season have been really bright and vivid. These past weekends have started out like many - I try to work from home each Friday, which I really enjoy. Makes for a really great commute!
I usually have a lot of conference calls on Fridays.

Over the past few weekends, we've been getting the house and yard ready for the winter.
They came and closed up the pool.

Neal finished up his painting. It looks great - he did a wonderful job!

We did some window washing, too.

We spend time organizing the shed this weekend - summer furniture in and winter equipment out!

Hopefully we won't be needing this for a while.....

Or these either.

But they are now all in the garage and ready to go when we need them. After all, our first snow fall came early!

At least the mum's we planted did eventually flower! We weren't too sure for a while.

We've had some really great French night dinners lately. Last Friday, Chef Neal made a great flaming steak au poivre.

He carefully plated it.

And served it with a smoked salman salad with homemade horseradish sauce and capers.

Of course then it was Saturday night. And you all know about 'date night'.

Then we came home and stayed up until midnight watching Moonstruck in HD. We never get tired of Moonstruck. Remember the breakfast scene when they were frying the eggs in the slices of bread? You guessed it, on Sunday morning....

I'm sorry to report that we've been having a lot of computer problems lately. It totally died last weekend and Neal tried to fix the expansion slots.
"The Day The Earth Stood Still"

I'm sure you all know that a sure sign of winter (did I really say that?) is when the hard top goes on the Porche before it gets put into storage for the winter.

It's been a while since I posted. I hope you all are enjoying the Fall! (PS - We turned the heat on in mid-October. I'm really sorry about that nasty November 1 "turn-on-the-heater-rule". I tried to influence that early on but lost the battle....). We're off to Key West shortly. Watch for some Fantasy Fest postings!


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